We live in bizarre times for sure... now that my Master of Fine Arts thesis is complete, I seem to be spending an inordinate amount of time disinfecting groceries and trying catch up with the outside world virtually through screens. It is all slightly ironic considering my thesis is about communication, self-hood and control, with a focus on how I am withdrawing attention from the virtual spaces and revisiting material art practices...
News is I’ve completed, degree is signed off on, and fingers crossed my thesis solo show will be in September 2020. There is one more teaching day then summer holidays... whatever that means.
Ive been making a lot of bread over the last 2 months - experimenting and trying to bake at altitude, it’s tricky. Hopefully this pandemic will breed new generations of survivalists with empathy and a certainty of how physically and virtually CONNECTED everyone on the planet is now...
Obscurations – 8” x 10” tintype self-portraits by Frances Melhop 2017-2020. Tintype self #16.